PECFO - Conservancies

Pwani Ecosystem Conservancies Foundation proudly represents 19 member conservancies across the coastal region. Each conservancy is unique and contributes to protecting biodiversity and promoting sustainable livelihoods within its community. Together, these conservancies form a network of protected areas critical to the ecological health of the Pwani landscape.
Our Mission
To grow vibrant conservancies that promote conservation for better community livelihood.
Our Vision
A resilient ecosystem benefiting people and nature.


+ ha
Total Area Under Conservancies
Conservancy Rangers

Connecting people and nature

Strengthening our organization is essential to achieving our mission. PECFO focuses on enhancing its internal capacities, from governance and management to resource mobilization and stakeholder engagement, ensuring we are well-equipped to lead conservation efforts in the Pwani region.
PECFO supports its member conservancies by providing training, resources, and technical assistance. Our goal is to empower these conservancies to manage their lands effectively, enhance biodiversity, and improve the livelihoods of the communities they serve.
Protecting the rich biodiversity of the Pwani landscape is at the heart of PECFO’s work. We implement conservation strategies that safeguard endangered species, restore degraded habitats, and promote sustainable land use practices, ensuring that the region's natural heritage is preserved for future generations.
PECFO recognizes that conservation and community livelihoods are deeply interconnected. We promote sustainable livelihoods and enterprises that provide economic opportunities for local communities while supporting conservation goals.

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